Jabón de afeitar frío

24.99 Oferta Ahorre
En cuanto a aromas limpios y versátiles, Cool es refrescante y fresco. Basado en un clásico de la barbería italiana, las notas de bergamota, limón y lavanda se combinan para crear un aroma vigorizante y vigorizante lo suficientemente versátil como para usarlo con tu colonia favorita.

    Peso neto. 4 onzas, fabricado en EE. UU.

    Instrucciones de uso

    Moja bien la brocha de afeitar y luego gírala alrededor del frasco durante unas 25 vueltas o hasta que se forme una espuma rica y cremosa. Continúe formando espuma agregando agua (mucha) y haciendo girar el cepillo en su cara o en un recipiente para hacer espuma. Aféitate, enjuágate y pasa el día sintiéndote genial.

    Nota: Este jabón es muy suave y puede resultar fácil sobrecargarlo. Si la espuma parece fina o parecida a un pegamento, continúe agregando agua hasta que se forme una espuma densa y cremosa.

    Aqua (agua), estearato de potasio, glicerina, sebo de potasio, perfume (aceite de fragancia), estearato de sodio, mantequilla de semillas de Garcinia indica (mantequilla de kokum de potasio), ácido poliacrilamidometilpropanosulfónico, jugo de fruta de Cocos nucifera (leche de coco), sebo de sodio, ricinoleato de potasio. , lactato de sodio, manteca de butyrospermum parkii (karité), disuccinato trisódico de etilendiamina, goma xantana, mantequilla de semillas de Theobroma grandiflorum (cupuaçu), manteca de cacao (kokum) de sodio, cocoato de potasio, hidroxietilcelulosa, ricinolato de sodio, isomerato de sacárido, caprae lac (leche de cabra) Polvo, aceite de Persea gratissima (aguacate), cacao de sodio, extracto de raíz de Althaea officinalis (malvavisco), extracto de Ulmus rubra (olmo resbaladizo)

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    Customer Reviews

    Based on 123 reviews

    smells absolutely fantastic, like God's barber shop itself. The lather is rich and thick, much better than normal shaving soaps that you get for the same price on amazon or other retail locations, I have no idea how they do it but it is amazing and your razor effortlessly glides across your face and jaw. Customer for life here, this is an amazing product.

    Greg H.
    Cool shaving soap

    Great summer soap cool and fresh scent

    Morlan L.
    My first B&M tub is so Cool!

    Light, refreshing, fresh! Does this remind anyone of Zest? 🤣 Lathers so quickly and can take so much water. Currently my favorite soap base as it’s so easy to work with and works so well!

    Lindsay B.
    Cool Shaving Soap

    I love the fresh scent! The lather is always top notch!

    Ben N.
    Eulogy for Cool

    While this scent isn't a B&M original it faithfully pays homage to one of the legendary scents of yesteryear. Since first trying Cool it has had an honored place in my shave den and when I learned that it was being discontinued I knew that I had to secure a reserve supply before it disappeared like other loved scents. I've been using B&M products for almost a decade now and I've yet to be disappointed by any of Will's soap bases and that, combined with his olfactory artistry, has made me a continued customer at Barrister and Mann.

    Now I just have to hope that Cool finds its way into the periodic release schedule in the coming years!